Perl-related stuff and beyond (but not much)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Fairies Wear Boots

Inspired by the Iron Man post, I decided to post Perl-related article here, once a week, on my new blog. I've never done this blogging stuff before, so it's a new uncharted land for me. Being that I'm not that really good in public type of self-expressions, it (this blogging mess) will need some extra energy from me.
So, don't expect some uberclever programming themes. For the start, I'll write about simple/dumb stuff I do all the time at my work.

So much for the intro, and now for something slightly different.


draegtun said...

Yes blogging can be hard work but it can also be fun.

I find blogging on a subject an excellent method for getting my head around something new.

Good luck with the blogging.


rjbond3rd said...

I look forward to reading your posts. "Simple/dumb stuff at work with Perl" is basically my whole life, and I love it.